Sunday, February 28, 2010

Tear out the "shoulds"

(Copied from notes written to self while on break from teaching as a sub) a week ago?

It is cold and grey outside (at least at the time of writing this) but inside I feel a renewed sense of life. If I focused on what I still need to accomplish in life [full time career, established relationship with a member of the opposite sex] I might feel discouraged but when I look at what I have accomplished [traveled around the world under unusual circumstances, obtained a couple of University degrees, made many friends] I feel good about those things. Whatever else it is, my life is not boring.

I get the opportunity to engage in projects of creativity on a regular basis. I absolutely adore the people that I choose to worship Christ with...

....Writing Today

Re-reading these notes, I realize I have so much to be thankful for...I love my friends. Just yesterday I went with friends Nick and James to sit at a park and paint and make bracelets for an upcoming walking trip. We were soon joined by various individuals living outdoors. They shared stories and created art together. This one woman and her gorgeous pit bull named "Pretty Dog" stands out in my mind. She wanted to refresh her memory of how to tie macrame knots. As she worked on a piece with bright pink beads, she regaled us with stories of how she once put her Pit Bull into a tutu and how her and her son protected each other. She beamed with pride to show us her affection for her kids [one son and one "daughter" (the dog) ...It was a endearing and universal picture of motherhood even as it was a little unusual as many mothers live in dwellings with their children.

I sat there continuing on doing art and feeling honored to experience yet another several hours of humanity and to have two good friends there to share it with.

Life is, for me, an adventure...I am going to challenge myself to daily I tear out any "shoulds" that are interfering with my "coulds."

Pretty soon I will be going on a walk that will be different than any walk that I have walked before. It is something in-between a "Walk-a-bout in the Aboriginal sense and a yuppie/artist backpacking trip. I'll tell you more later.

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