Sunday, April 11, 2010

April 3rd or the Day JAMES C. CAME

James Comfort came today...Unfortunately Meg couldn't make it.

Yesterday was the first time that I really felt peeved about the sleeping situation...We came into Davenport after taking a bus out of Santa Cruz and it was freaking dark and there was PosionOak on the ground ( A lot of P.O. on this coast and I hate the plant!)

I can get a little rabid about the whole Poison Oak thing but the stuff is painful and takes me months to get over and that is with access to a shower and a washing machine...

I don't have either here

But I do feel like God is helping me put stuff like that in perspective...P.O. is like sin//don't wanna underestimate it but you don't want to go around hating plants because some of them are at the time of writing this I am actually in Pacifica and I had gone on a beautiful hike before the rain started//everywhere gorgeous plants and yes some of them P.O. but I can't miss out on the good out of fear of the bad

So...Poison Oak is a good metaphor for sin

Better to err on the side of caution
but don't get paranoid either

So back to remembering and back to the original journal notes///

I woke up in this new beautiful spot in Davenport (having felt freaked and having explained to Nick and James in detail why I felt freaked) and I thought

I am having breakfast by a beautiful beach

I do not have to drive somewhere beautiful

I am here in somewhere beautiful

I miss a few of the routines at my parents home and I certainly miss my parents.

//also talked metaphysics on the phone about morality or the metaphysics of morality

Here morality consists of:

Helping your teammate pack his tent or pick up his bag
Sharing food
Being patient with each other

Morality is a do here
and not an idea

Incredible to be here///swim bathe in this ocean

feel like the salt is purifying me
and the cold of it is small payment for being part of its largeness

and its power.

I spent the morning doing doing and doing
I have to get my Ya Ya's out in order to be content to sit here, content to reflect.

Writing seems boring now.

I think I want to build a sand sculpture

Had a great talk with the guys last night...communion (pineapple juice and corn tortillas) in the tent with candles.

Realizing how much time it takes to get things done...when one doesn't have a car.

Puts life on a more human scale

James C is an awesome person...We walked up the road (long and uphill to find a beach with huge scary waves). He packed way too much stuff///his bag was bigger than me. Came within 10 feet of the tent at 2 in the morning...don't think I've been that freaked in a long time. I like the ocean when I go to it but I shudder when it comes to me. Am I that way with God? Nah. I like it when God comes to me. He doesn't overwhelm me with a 20 ft wave. He has all kinds of water in this world...Gentle pools for toddlers and these waves for the terminally insane.

May I be one of those terminally insane.

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