Sunday, April 11, 2010

March 31st, 2001

God thank you for such a great night. I really enjoyed having:

_ A dry tent
_Warm clean sleeping bag

_ Peace in my heart

Thank you

I got a chance to wake up and read your beautiful scriptures.

It really excited me to read how the wise men saw _Your_ star in the east.

They came from another place and were not Israelites...I think of all the people in the Bible other than you Jesus, I would like to meet these men.

Laying here in this tent, I feel a kinship to these travelers, these nomads...

...maybe meeting them would make me keenly aware of how much we do not share in common

But I think that there is (in common) that sense of awe of the sacred.

So many good people in the scriptures.

Your words Christ are beautiful.

Thank you for the time to reflect.

Help me
Open my eyes, ears & heart to the needs of others....

Let me be so satisfied in your love for me that I have no fear of rejection from people.




and More Open

Singing with Nick (We sang a spiritual) and it was beautiful to hear our very different voices singing the same words of faith.

Went this morning to walk/jog

Wilder State Park

This park really impressed me...Love seeing dunes covered with every sort of mossy/textured/flowered growing thing...realized that the oft barren dunes I have experienced before was the result of too many people walking...not intending harm but too many of signs prohibit any path but the trail and as a result the dunes are not barren but luxurious in all their flora...Animals too (rabbits and birds of kinds I have never seen) WOW! Many of them are endangered and it is an honor to get so close.

Awe of Waves also

I Am talking sheer cliffs with 20 foot waves



As a person who feels like an endangered species, as one educated but still unsure of how to make a living who feels different from others...and as a member of a group that is on the fringe, it feels right being here in this bird refugee.

I stand near a flock of birds not wanting to interfere with their space but desire to look again and be again overwelmed by these waves overcomes my shyness. I move closer and in groups of two or three the birds fly off with every step I take towards them, until the boldest remain. Ultimately all of them are gone and I stand alone at the edge of the cliff mildly ashamed to have frightened the birds.

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